“I liked LIMITATO immediately as Gustav and Emrik were persistent and driven”: An interview with Sara Ahlsén

“I liked LIMITATO immediately as Gustav and Emrik were persistent and driven”: An interview with Sara Ahlsén
The Founders

Following an introduction to LIMITATO back in 2017, Sara Ahlsén has worked closely and supported the brand in her role as fashion buyer for NK Department Store in both Gothenburg and Stockholm, taking in the the fast-pace roller-coaster ride it has proved to be so far and arguably enjoying every minute of it.

“I liked LIMITATO immediately as Gustav and Emrik were persistent and driven,” says Ahlsén “It’s hard not to like them once you meet them because the passion for what they do just shines through everything.”

Forging a relationship that has evolved and become integral to the LIMITATO movement, both creative director Gustav Peterson and Ahlsén in particular appreciate a transparent and honest approach to their work that pays dividends when trying to achieve a successful end result.

"It’s hard for creative people to put a ‘non creative’ hat on and to see things from a strategic pace, with Emrik and Gustav you have both assets. There is so much pace and energy and drive to do so much, but they are starting to understand the need to be selective and focus on the now too, which makes LIMITATO even stronger,” adds Ahlsén.


New Arrivals

 Experience the fusion of fashion and art with Limitato.